Using the theme
To use the theme extract the main downloaded zip file.
After extracting you will find a folder named similar to theme name. That folder is the production ready ( live site ready ) theme. After the required setup you will make a zip of this folder's content ( all files and folders within this folder ) and upload it to your ghost site.
To set up the theme properly with several setting options, please read through the documentation.
Please edit theme files using a proper code editor. There are lots of free and opensource code editor available. You can choose any of those, some popular free code editor Visual Studio Code , Atom
Theme option configuration
To configure this theme properly for your site please follow below instruction.
open config.hbs file located in partials folder. Then replace the variable's value with your own values.
- Set the
value to your won Disqus shotrname. To generate a disqus shortname...- Go to and signed up.
- Then follow the instruction and add your website there from dashboard.
- You will get a dishqus shortname, copy that.
- In
setdisqus_shortname = 'yourDisqusShortnameHere';
- Facebook Page settings
- Set your Facebook page URL
facebook_page_url = 'YourFacebookPageURL';
- Set your Facebook page URL
The config.hbs file will look like below.
// 1. Disqus comment settings
var disqus_shortname = 'example'; // required: replace example with your forum shortname
// 2. Facebook Page Setting
var facebook_page_url = '';
Adding soclial links
To add the actual socilal links to the icons in footer please follow the steps below
- open social-links.hbs file located in partials folder.
- Now replace the
for eachhref
value with your own profile links. - If you want to add any other icon then just copy one of the line there and only replace the
class in that line. For list of available icons in fontawesome visit here. - No need to change the value of
for rss.
The social-link.hbs file will look like below.
<ul class="social-links">
<!-- start social links -->
<!-- replace the # with your own profile link address -->
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-pinterest"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-dribbble"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-flickr"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="/rss/"><i class="fa fa-rss"></i></a></li>
<!-- end social links -->
Sidebar and Footer Widgets
The sidebar is widgetized. You can move up and down or entirely remove any of theme if you wish. To do that you have to make very little changes in sidebar.hbs file which is located in partials folder.
All the widget files are separate in partials folder and named with prefix 'widget'. Example:- widget-tagcloud.hbs
Please Follow the steps below.
- Open sidebar.hbs folder and then reorder the partials call.
- To hide or remove any widget in sidebar just comment out that specific widget.
- To comment out any widget you need to add a
in that widget.
Example:- If you want to hide{{> widget-twitter}}
then add!
like this{{!> widget-twitter}}
- Then save the file
The sidebar.hbs will look like this..
<aside class="col-md-4 sidebar">
Manage the footer widgets by following the same process like sidebar. Open footer.hbs file and then make changes you need.
Twitter Widget Settings
Recently Twitter has changed their widget creation process. Please follow the steps below to setup the twitter widget. Visit
- Then add your profile URL there. Example - .
- Choose embeded timeline.
- Click on customization option.
- Set height as you wish. Around 300 to 400 looks good.
- Click on Update and then copy code.
- Now open "widget-twitter.hbs" file which is located in partials folder.
- In place of "Add your twitter code here" in that file, add the code which you have copied from twitter's site.
- Save the file and restart ghost.
Ones the necessary configuration is complete make a zip of the modified theme folder.
Now login to your admin area and go to Design. In that page scroll down and you can find "Upload a theme" button. Upload the theme zip which you have created while ago. After completing upload activate the theme.
Please enable members option in labs page in your dashboard. Otherwise subscriber widget will not work.
If you want to install the demo data to make your site as the preview then you can go to your-site-url/ghost/settings/labs/
and then import the dote.ghost.demo.json file there. This file is located in demo data folder in main download folder.
Navigation links
To add links to you static page please follow the steps below.
- Post an page in your blog.
- Copy the URL for this page.
- Go to Design page in your admin dashboard.
- Add a label and the URL and save it.
- Now the theme will show newly added link in navigation.
Theme translation
This theme supports translation. Please follow the steps below to translate this theme in your language.
- Within theme folder, there is a folder named "locales". In that folder by default you will find a file named "en.json". This is the default file for English language and you have to use this file to create your own language file.
- make a copy of en.json and give a name following this format [language_code].json ( example: for French fr.json for German i.e. Deutsch de.json for Russian ru.json etc. )
- If you are not sure about what is you language code then you can visit this wiki page and see. Use the two letter (ISO 639-1) code.
- Now open the newly created
file in text editor. You will see"KEY": "VALUE"
format in each line. - In English language KEY and VALUE are same. Now you read the left part of the : i.e. KEY part and change the tight part i.e. VALUE part to your own language.
- After finishing the translation Save the file and upload the theme to your site.
- Go to your admin area, Visit "General setting" page and change the "publication Language" option. By default there is "en" for English. Add your own language code there in place of "en" and save the settings.
- Visit your site, If everything goes right, you will see all the theme related text in your site is in your translated language.
If you translate the theme in any language, then please consider to share ( feel free to send me via email ) that language file. I will add that file to the theme, so that it will available to other users.
How to change color
To change the Theme color please follow the steps below.
- First of all you need a LESS compiler. You can use koala app.
- Add the css folder of your theme (located in /assets/) to less compiler.
- Open the variables.less file in your code editor. This file is located in assets/css/less_parts folder.
- Now you have to change the color hexcode (#xxxxxx) in this file and save the file.
- Now compile the screen.less file using less compiler. This file is located in assets/css folder. This will rebuild the screen.css file.
- At last Update the files in your server and restart ghost.
The variables.less file looks like below.
@theme-color: #8BC34A; // Theme color
@text-color: #828282; // Primary text color
@text-color-light: #b0b0b0; // Light text color
@text-color-dark: #262626; // Dark text color
@bg-color: #ebebeb; // Dark background color
@bg-color-dark: #191919;
@border-color: #f0f0f0; // Border color
@shadow-color: #d0d0d0; // shadow color
@black: #000000; // Pure black
@white: #FFFFFF; // Pure White
@success: #0ca910; // error
@error: #f0134d; // success
V 4.0.0 - April 03, 2021
- Updated Ghost engines and API to v4
- Replaced deprecated @site.lang with new @site.locale.
- Removed @labs.members checking.
- Removed visibility attribute from foreach loop.
- fixed http and https mixed request console error.
- Added support for secondary navigation widget in footer.
- Fixed image being stretched in post content.
- Added css for table.
- Removed old featured media javascript.
V 3.0.0 - November 29, 2019
- Replaced deprecated {{code}} helper with {{statusCode}} helper.
- Updated API uses to v3.
- Modified Subscription widget to use new members feature.
- Added extra translation.
- Removed Google+ share link and social icon.
- Removed old mailchimp widget.
V 2.2.0 - May 29, 2019
- Added new {{@site.lang}} helper.
- Replaced deprecate @blog helper with new @site helper.
- Added CSS and js for image gallery support.
- Added support for API v2
V 2.1.0 - August 29, 2018
- Upgraded the theme to use with Ghost 2.0.0 and above. For older ghost version please use older version of the theme.
- Removed cover-author.hbs file from partials folder. Added code of those file to author.hbs file.
- Changed author helper in author.hbs to make it compatible with Ghost 2.0.0
- Added Ghost's inbuilt subscribe support. New widget file is widget-subscribe.hbs
- Renamed widget-newsletter.hbs file to widget-mailchimp.hbs. This file kept for old version users. By default this widget is not being used in new version of the theme.
- Added Koenig Editior's Image card's different image widthe CSS class.
- Added Koenig Editior's Embed card's support CSS.
- Fixed pinterest share links.
- Added translation support
- Added keyword "ghost-theme" in package.json file
V 2.0.0 - july 03, 2017
- This version is a major update. It works with Ghost version >= 1.0.0. It will not work with older version of ghost ( ghost version < 1.0.0 ).
- Removed favicon from default.hbs template. Ghost >= 1.0.0 automatically handle it. Upload publication icon from General setting page, in your dashboard.
- Rewritten package.json to be compatible with ghost 1.0.0
- Replaced all deprecated helpers and added new helpers in place of those old helpers.
- Recent post widget now written using {{get}} helper. Removed old javascript method. For this reason, "recent_post_count" setting in config.hbs file also removed.
- Added Author's twitter and facebook link in about author area and author cover area.
- Font Awesome and Bootstrap updated
- jQuery library updated to v2.2.4
V 1.1 - August 2, 2016
- Rewrite some javascript to use Ghost API instead of RSS feed. Now enabling public API under lab settings is required
- Modified tag cloud widget using ghost's get helper to show all available tags.
- Change Twitter widget to use twitter's new widget code.
V 1.0.0 - July 23, 2015
- Initial release